
Our Story

When Bree Stallings began helping out at the local food bank in 2020, she noticed something important. Many moms were asking for things like diapers, sanitary items, and other essentials all the time. Sometimes, the food bank didn't have these things, so Bree would step up. She'd go out, buy what was needed, and bring it right to their homes. This showed her something sad but real about her community. Bree knows firsthand how tough it can be for moms to ask for help. Plus, getting around can be hard, especially in this area when transportation is also a real issue. Moms need a break sometimes. We're all here to support each other just like it says in Hebrews 13:16. Thus, Breakroom Circle was born.

 “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16

Meet Our Founder

Headshot of the founder Bree Stallings

Bree Stallings, Founder & Executive Director of Breakroom Circle

Bree Stalling pictured with her kids

Bree Stallings pictured with her children.

Bree is a native of Detroit, MI. After graduating from high school she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare administration. She has worked in the medical field for over 17 years in various capacities. Bree is a hard-working servant leader in the community. She currently assists in leading and organizing the Salvation Army’s food bank and serves on the mission board at her church. She is dedicated to mentoring and providing resources to women in the community.